Tuesday, February 10, 2009

and scene

So it is over. I've officially, today, been off of sugar for a month...30 whole days without the good stuff. And I'm happy to announce that I'm not craving it anymore! But, that doesn't mean that I won't eat it again ever. I will. I probably will in the next few days. But, I'm not sure when or what. I'm a little nervous about it because I don't want it to turn into a sugar fest. That would defeat the whole point of going off of it in the first place. I think that my real goal is to eat it maybe once a week or less. We'll see. Right now, I'm just proud that I did it. As hard as it was at first, it was totally worth it.


Amanda said...

Yeah! Good job. I wish I could say I'd done the same, but no. Stay strong. See how long you can go without it. I'm cheering for you.

Jamie said...

I'm almost there too! I'm thinking of a once a week or once every two weeks kind of rule when my 30 days are up. I've definately changed my eating habits for the better and I don't want to slip back into my old habits again. I really noticed that I crave sugar(chocolate) when I'm stressed!

Brian & Veronica said...

good for you. it is a great feeling of accomplishment. :)

Valorie said...

Wow Michelle, I don't know if I could go a day without sugar, (especially when my kids bring home valentine's treats). I'm proud of you!

The Marrott Family said...

Congratulations Girl! Talk about will power! You should be proud of yourself.

J and C Fish Family said...

Good work!!! If you have the will power to go that long, than I think that you have the will power to have it in moderation. The trick is finding that moderation. It's different for everyone.

Julie Barney said...

You have inspired me! I'm not cutting out sugar all the way because I would like my family to still love me, but I did change my love of a good, cold Dr Pepper in the afternoons to a small, small liking of diet coke w/lime!

Leah said...

I am still trying to find my level of moderation. I have a serious problem.
Way to go! You totally rock.