Saturday, May 2, 2009

Books and paper

I'm really tired tonight... tired of outlining and thinking and thinking and thinking. Then I took a look around my apartment and realized that I was surrounded. By books and paper. At first, it sort of frustrated me.  People who know me, know that I like things neat and orderly. As finals start, the piles grow; fortunately, as finals go on, one by one, the piles will be cleared, and the house will be clean again. 

And more importantly, it occurs to me that this mess represents the amount of work I've put in, and that is just for one semester. And it doesn't represent everything i've done this semester. I imagine these piles, times four...four semesters worth of this. that is what my life has been like for two years. At times, I get weighed down under the workload.  But when I look at these pictures, I think about all that I've accomplished.  It is a lot. So...I'm proud of my messy apartment!

This is a stack of work that I haven't yet completed.  Work to do over the summer for the archives project I'm working on.

This is my study headquarters. I've been finishing my outline for administrative law over the past few days. 

My desk, and my computer. I have a close relationship with my computer.

The book, in its almost final form. Now that represents hours upon hours of work!

My recycle pile. It will be much, much larger by the end of the semester!


Amber said...

WOW! That is impressive. Very impressive. Way to go girl. That's a crazy amount of knowledge.

Zeb said...

Cheap! You cannot make a Facebook post into a blog post. That is cheating.

The Scott and Camille Neilson Family said...

Hey good luck on finals. I can't wait to see you!

The Marrott Family said...

You Can Do It!!!! I m so proud of you! :)

Brian & Veronica said...

no. words. 1. you're amazing. 2. i never want to do that. 3. you're amazing.

good job michelle. i've always admired your tenacity to learn and desire to increase your knowledge. i've always wanted to be as smart as you. but i've never wanted to give the amount of work it takes to get there. so, i take my "hat" off to you.

way to go! ;)

Valorie said...

Wow Michelle, you are AMAZING! I can't even imagine going back to college and all the work that it entails. You are awesome!

Leah said...

I would be proud of my messy apartment too! You have accomplished SO much.
Who doesn't have a close relationship with their computer when it is a mac!!! ;)
Wish we were hanging out this summer...

Zeb said...

Are you kidding me. How long has this post been up?

Leah said...

This is CRAP!! You need to post.