Day one of law school: Monday: Professor Denbeaux walks into class without a word of introduction. I've heard the rumors. He's an imposing man, perhaps the most imposing upon first impression. He looks up to the center of the room and says, "Miss Fischer, Ray versus Eurice." He asks a random question and my poor friend Maria stammers something out. I don't know if anyone even heard her. All I could do was breath a sigh of relief. It wasn't me.
Day five: Friday: Professor Granne says, "Miss Fish" and my stomach sinks. I've read the case three times. I know it. It was about the Rio hotel in Vegas. I lived in Vegas for heavens sake. I completely drop the ball. But it goes on. And on. And on. For forty minutes I take a beating. If I answered incorrectly or couldn't answer at all, the professor would go on to someone else. But then it was right back to me. I thought I was going to vomit.
February: Professor Azmy walks into class with a stain on the front of his shirt. "I know, I know," he says. "Before you all start texting each other about the big stain on my shirt, someone bumped into me on the subway, and I spilled my coffee." So funny. I could go on and on about how great he is.
March: Professor Cornwell walks into Criminal Law with one of those red and yellow toy cars for children. You know, the ones they can actually get in and pretend to drive around. Anyway, halfway through class, he walks to the stop of the class, acts out a little scenario and then sends the car careening down the stairs. Hilarious. Good times in crim law.
Actually I could go on and on about how great all my professors are. It was as tough as everyone said it would be. But it was rewarding, fulfilling, exciting, challenging and worth every second of it. In the immortal words of Professor Azmy, law school messes with your mind. One day your are sure you are the smartest person in class. The next day, you know your are the dumbest. And that about sums it all up.
Well said. I think the key is trying to have those "smart" days on the days you're taking exams. If only it could be so easy.
Yah, but we need some pictures to go with the stories. On the bright side at least you get to feel smart sometimes, I feel like an idiot all of the time.
I think the professor hit it on the head. At least that is how I perceive most people's experiences in law school to feel like.
You made it through your first year! Well done, Michelle. It must feel good.
Are you still doing study abroad this summer? Are you going home after? I haven't heard any updates...maybe that can be your next post. Humor me.
Plans for the Summer....
It sounds way too crazy and hard for me. Are you enjoying it? I bet it's great to be doing something different from teaching. Like Leah, I'd like to know what you're up to now. Do you have a break for the summer? I want details.
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